Dec 19, 2021

Small pleasures for winter days


It's that time of year

Time to whittle down the list of seeds I would love to grow and face the reality of my physical and financial limitations. Some species demand specific conditions to germinate; others take two or three years to break dormancy, and all the time they need to be kept at specific temperatures and levels of moisture. More than once I have forgotten/neglected seeds planted in pots and placed in my seed refrigerator and when discovered found them etiolated beyond redemption. For some I don’t think I have time to start over, but probably will.
Never-the-less I still manage to snatch an occasional moment to muse, reminisce and jot down idle thoughts.
As a teenager I was smitten by one or two classmates, but also fell in love with Chinese and Japanese poetry, to wit Li Po, Tu Fu (Du Fu), Basho and a host of others. Their influence is undeniable. Just finished a new biography of Li Bai (Li Po) and jotted down:
The three hundred cups of Li Po
must have been small.
All I can manage is 7
before I can no longer count the stars.
and a haiku
So many stars tonight
Where is the full moon hiding?
Look! in your wine glass.
Thinking of tackling Finnegan’s Wake yet again.

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