Oct 25, 2014

The Powder-Blue Hollyhock, addendum

The Powder-Blue Hollyhock, addendum

Oops, seems I might have hit the "publish" key a little prematurely on my last post and neglected to explain the origin of the powder-blue Hollyhock. As can be imagined curiosity finally outweighed my lethargy and as the scales were against me I managed to get to my feet and walk toward the flashing blue bloom. It only took a few steps to dash all hope of any reward or national recognition, the wonderful blue Hollyhock was nothing more than a painted post supporting a lean-to roof on the side of the barn. Viewed through the wind-stirred leaves and stems of a dozen or more Hollyhocks the bloom-sized flashes of colour looked remarkably like Hollyhock blooms. So, with the realization that riches and fame were not to be mine, this time, I strapped on my secateurs and returned to the fray.

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