Mar 29, 2021

Witch Hazel: Arnold Promise vs Pallida

 Witch Hazel: Arnold Promise vs Pallida

A short note regarding Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ and Hamamelis japonica ‘Pallida’.

Both grow quite well here and their late winter/early Spring blooms are pure delight. But, if I could plant again (I’m too old now to plant too far into my future) I would definitely plant more ‘Pallida’.

While there are many other cultivars that seem equally, or even more desirable, [and I may add one or two of those in the next year or two], for now ‘Pallida’ has my five pale-green thumbs up.

The colour of the bloom is a vibrant yellow, especially compared to “Arnold Promise’, and this year it has been blooming, as of today, for at least two months, or is that three? The branches are floriferous.’

Arnold Promise’ is now displaying its red calyces, which are quite nice, but ‘Pallida’ blooms on, as if it has been told aging is a myth.

I think I am displaying my own gray calyces, and I’ve discovered aging is definitely not a myth.

Arnold Promise [background]
Pallida [foreground]